
实验名称:ELISA实验Trouble Shooting



1. 标准曲线有问题

Cause Solution
Improper standard solution Confirm dilutions are made correctly.
Standard improperly reconstituted Briefly spin vial before opening; inspect for undissolved material after reconstituting.
Standard degraded Store and handle standard as recommended.
Curve doesn't fit scale Try plotting using different scales e.g. log-log, 5 parameter logistic curve fit.
Pipetting error Use calibrated pipettes and proper pipetting technique.

2. 实验结果无信号

Cause Solution
Incubation time too short Incubate samples overnight at 4°C or follow the manufacturer guidelines.
Target present below detection limits of assay Decrease dilution factor or concentrate samples.
Incompatible sample type Detection may be reduced or absent in untested sample types. Include a sample that the assay is known to detect a positive control.
Recognition of epitope impeded by adsorption to plate To enhance detection of a peptide by direct or indirect ELISA, conjugate peptide to a large carrier protein before coating onto the microtiter plate.
Assay buffer compatibility Ensure assay buffer is compatible with target of interest (e.g. enzymatic activity retained, protein interactions retained).
Not enough detection reagent Increase concentration or amount of detection reagent, following manufacturer guidelines.
Sample prepared incorrectly Ensure proper sample preparation/dilution. Samples may be incompatible with microtiter plate assay format.
Insufficient antibody Try different concentrations/dilutions of antibody.
Incubation temperature too low Ensure the incubations are carried out at the correct temperature. All reagents including plate should be at room temperature or as recommended by the manufacturer before proceeding.
Incorrect wavelength Verify the wavelength and read plate again.
Plate washings too vigorous Check and ensure correct pressure in automatic wash system. Pipette wash buffer gently if washes are done manually.
Wells dried out Do not allow wells to become dry once the assay has started. Cover the plate using sealing film or tape for all incubations.
Slow color development of enzymatic reaction Prepare substrate solution immediately before use. Ensure the stock solution has not expired and is not contaminated. Allow longer incubation.

3. CV值偏大

Cause Solution
Bubbles in wells Ensure no bubbles are present prior to reading plate.
Wells not washed equally/thoroughly Check that all ports of the plate washer are unobstructed. Wash wells as recommended.
Incomplete reagent mixing Ensure all reagents are mixed thoroughly.
Inconsistent pipetting Use calibrated pipettes and proper technique to ensure accurate pipetting.
Edge effects Ensure the plate and all reagents are at room temperature.
Inconsistent sample preparation or storage Ensure consistent sample preparation and optimal sample storage conditions (e.g. minimize freeze/thaw cycles).

4. 背景信号过高

Cause Solution
Wells are insufficiently washed Wash wells as per protocol recommendations.
Contaminated wash buffer Prepare fresh water buffer.
Too much detection reagent Ensure the reagent has been diluted properly or decrease the recommended concentration of detection reagent.
Blocking buffer ineffective (e.g. detection reagent binds blocker; wells not completely blocked) Try different blocking reagent and/or add blocking reagent to wash buffer.
Salt concentration of incubation/wash buffers Increasing salt concentrations may reduce non-specific and/or weak off-target interactions.
Waiting too long to read plate after adding stop solution Read plate immediately after adding stop solution.
Non-specific binding of antibody Use suitable blocking buffers e.g. BSA or 5-10% normal serum - species same as primary antibody if using a directly conjugated detection antibody or same as secondary if using conjugated secondary. Ensure wells are pre-processed to prevent non-specific attachment.
High antibody concentration Try different dilutions for optimal results.
Substrate incubation carried out in light Substrate incubations should be carried out in the dark or as recommended by manufacturer.
Precipitate formed in wells upon substrate addition Increase dilution factor of sample or decrease concentration of substrate.
Dirty plate Clean the plate bottom.

5. 灵敏度过低​​​

Cause Solution
Improper storage of ELISA kit Store all reagents as recommended. Please note that all reagents may not have identical storage requirements.
Not enough target Concentrate sample or reduce sample dilution.
Inactive detection reagent Ensure reporter enzyme/fluor has the expected activity. 
Plate reader settings incorrect Ensure plate reader is set to read the correct absorbance wavelength or excitation/emission wavelengths for fluorescent detection.
Assay format not sensitive enough Switch to a more sensitive detection system (e.g. colorimeteric to chemiluminescence / fluorescence). Switch to a more sensitive assay type (e.g. direct ELISA to sandwich ELISA). Lengthen incubation times or increase temperature.
Target poorly adsorbs to microtiter plate Covalently link target to microtiter plate.
Not enough substrate Add more substrate.
Incompatible sample type (e.g. serum vs. cell extract) Detection may be reduced or absent in untested sample types. Include a sample that the assay is known to detect as a positive control.
Interfering buffers or sample ingredients Check reagents for any interfering chemicals. For example, sodium azide in antibodies inhibit HRP enzyme and EDTA used as anticoagulent for plasma collection inhibits enzymatic reactions.
Mixing or substituting reagents from different kits Avoid mixing components from different kits.

Matrix effect

ELISA quantification of plasma and serum occasionally encounters problems which are caused by the matrix effect. The matrix effect can arise from a number of matrix components including, but not limited to: interaction between endogenous biological components such as phospholipids, carbohydrates and endogenous metabolites (bilirubin) or an interaction between the analyte of interest and the matrix, such as covalent binding to plasma proteins. This results in erroneous sample readings.

Simply diluting the samples by 2 or 5 folds reduces the matrix effect, when diluting the samples remember to use the same diluent as used for standard curve.



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